Monday, July 14, 2008

vintage aqua naugahyde chair

I wish I could just refer to it as "my new chair," but I can't. Because it is SO vintage, SO aqua, and SO naugahyde. And it's making me SO happy. My sister spotted it on Craigslist last week, and it was at an antique/vintage/junk shop about 25 minutes away. I sent the link to juuust the right friend and before I knew it she was tossing me in her minivan and whisking us away to the Middle of Nowhere, where they keep all the good chairs. So a sweet deal on a funky vintage chair accidentally turned into a mini room makeover, but I couldn't help it! I want to do right by the chair. I thought I'd have to ditch my other obnoxiously colored orange vintage chair (yikes), but when I found these pillows on Etsy, I realized they were the answer to all my redecorating prayers. So it all stays. I've already made some small changes since I took this photo this morning, but you can see the whole room, with notes, on Flickr.

Here's to Craig, and his groovy list.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

mystery mail

I got a hand-addressed envelope from the United States Postal Service today.

This is me: "Oh jeez...what the heck did I do now?"
I opened it to find this:

Here's me: "whaaa...???"
I wracked my brain, trying to make sense of the mysterious note and mysterious dime.

Me again: "...ok, Joe...Joe who? ...Well, let's see...the year on the coin is the year I graduated from high that must I was right about...wait, what? Hold on, WHO is Joe??!"

Then it hit me. I was at the post office yesterday, mailing earrings to Sweden, and I thought that I had handed the man 4 dimes, but when he showed me that I only I handed him three, I apologized and gave him another one. It wasn't a big deal, but apparently, Joe found the pesky wayward dime after all and mailed it back to me!

I was more surprised when I realized that Joe had taken the time to mail a dime to me than I was when I thought someone had mailed their inside joke to the wrong person!

This dime is NOT going back into my change purse. It's going on the cork board where I tack all the weird things that come in the mail. Or the newspaper. Or the weird things that my grandmother cuts out of the newspaper and sends me in the mail. Hopefully that will also remind me to thank Joe next time I'm in the post office. Talk about customer service!