Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
holiday knitting is ON
I finally made some concrete decisions regarding my Christmas Knit List and I'm putting the plan into action! Assemblage is taking a seat in the "way back" for now. Jewelry making has been taking up the vast majority of my free time, and suddenly I realized that I probably started my holiday knitting too late. My late start pretty much eliminated the idea of knitting a sweater for anyone...not that I was really jazzed to attempt another sweater for a family member anyway. So I had to choose some smaller projects.

(Know what? Sock knitting is kind of fun. No, I'm not crossing over to the dark side yet. But I am on my tippy toes peeking over the wall wondering what else you guys are knitting over there.)
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
small bird tweets

However, Twitter has already proven a bit more addictive than I anticipated, so it's impossible to resist commenting on all the other fantastic stuff you guys are posting on there! But that's the whole idea, right? I'm hoping it will help keep me more connected with the online crafting community, too. So if you want to follow me on Twitter, I'm smallbirdjenna. See you over there!
Monday, November 03, 2008
the craft gods are...moody
I just found that I have been officially accepted as a vendor at the Second Storie} Indie Market! (With the jewelry, not the knitting.) The vendor list looks very impressive and I'm really excited to be a part of it. It's all going down on November 29th and 30th at The Visual Studies Workshop in Rochester, NY. I've been working on some new designs, so I should have a bunch of brand new pieces to show off by then! It's interesting to me how my aesthetic continues to change as I learn more and create more. Most recently, I started experimenting with faceted stones. I used to think that "sparkly" wasn't really my thing. But I kept coming across faceted gemstones while shopping for new materials and...well, they became kind of hard to resist. It must be the girly-girl in me. I think the 6mm stones are just perfect for a lovely little solitaire ring. But I'll have to wait and see. Maybe no one will like them and it will be a short-lived experiment. Or maybe I'll just keep making them for myself.
I should probably just stick to metal, since the yarn is not my friend right now. I finally got the sleeves finished for Assemblage (after knitting one of them 3 times) and started on the left front. After about 8" I realized I was doing the decreases incorrectly. I was decreasing on both sides (like the back) instead of just one side. Sigh...stupid mistake. So...rip, rip, rip. I'm starting to wonder if I'm even meant to knit this sweater at all! They're my own stupid mistakes, but it really feels like the knitting gods are against me on this one.